4 votes Vote

AutoBot often makes n-1 hits instead of n hits.

Very often AutoBot makes only 24 hits when I setup 25. Or 29 if 30 was set. It's not usual behavior but almost 50% of AutoBot startings stopped without making one hit.

xi , 06.05.2013, 09:39
Response from the site administrator
DJMiMi, 26.05.2013
Issue fixed. Please wait for the next release.
Idea status: completed


DJMiMi, 08.05.2013, 13:49
Add required info.
xiwera, 08.05.2013, 18:12
What is info required?
DJMiMi, 08.05.2013, 21:02
Read top of the page.
xiwera, 09.05.2013, 03:32
Please specify concrete page! Top of THIS page does not contain any info about 'required info'.
DJMiMi, 09.05.2013, 08:15
xiwera, 09.05.2013, 14:38
Language of erep: English
System: I've noticed this bug under windows and linux (both 64bit)
Browser: under windows is latest firefox, under linux is latest chrome
Other scripts: none
xiwera, 12.05.2013, 08:29
This "n-1 behavior" is much probable if AutoBot eats food during task
zoologic, 24.05.2013, 17:18
AutoBot not working. I put in 25 hits and it only hits once. This just started yesterday.
zoologic, 25.05.2013, 03:15
Why aren't the people responsible for this shitty script CORRECTING THE PROBLEM??????????????????????????????????????????????

AutoBOT is NOT WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!
miazov, 25.05.2013, 06:01
I'm having the same issues. It seems no one cares. Very dissapointing guys.
miazov, 25.05.2013, 06:01
I'm having the same issues. It seems no one cares. Very dissapointing guys.
DJMiMi, 25.05.2013, 08:04
Yo shitty and dissapointed, there is no guys, just one guy. I do not have time to be 24 online for corecting platos mess. If there is problem I will try to fix it, don't expect to be done exactly when you hit "Leave a comment" button. If you do not like it, delete script and move on. o7
mike zegler, 26.05.2013, 00:25
Sorry I lashed out. I was just frustrated. I apologize. Without autobot winning a BH medal becomes much more difficult if you're in a race with someone.
btw what does 'o7" mean?
And yes I expect you to never sleep and toil away here 24/7 until ALL problems are solved.
Manumar, 26.05.2013, 15:49
AutoBOT is NOT Working. 1 kill and stop. pls!
mikey pimp, 26.05.2013, 17:39
^^^^^^ Manumar, exactly! One kill and it stops.

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