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Training calculator is broken

The calculator in profile often shows different daily cost/profit than the following calculator - http://tools.narrenturm.eu/trainingCalculator.php
If all training fields are set to Q4, switching the daily bonus on/off doesn't do anything.

erep language - English
Firefox 20 without any other erep extensions/scripts

jake , 07.04.2013, 12:04
Response from the site administrator
DJMiMi, 07.04.2013
No issue.
Idea status: completed


DJMiMi, 07.04.2013, 16:51
And what it should do? :D
jake, 07.04.2013, 20:16
Make it work properly or remove it completely. If it doesn't work, what's the point anyway?
DJMiMi, 07.04.2013, 21:37
It is working properly. :) http://erepstuff.idea.informer.com/proj/?ia=64536

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