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Fix Energy Recover

Something has happened in the new update and I can´t recover energy.
Best regards.

FAF Barney Stinson , 02.03.2013, 17:10

I can't eat food

I use google chrome, i only use another script "pulse" and the language of eR is english

Salsban, 06.03.2013, 04:42

i can't eat food when i have the script activated

i just can't eat it, i need to disable the script, and activate it after i eat.

Raf, 02.03.2013, 17:29
Idea status: completed


DJMiMi, 02.03.2013, 17:23
See if option "Safe food eat on all pages" is checked. If it is uncheck it.
DJMiMi, 02.03.2013, 17:28
Explain problem a little bit more. What happens when you click "Recover energy". Please note that it need a sec or two to react because it need time to check if you already eat.
FAF Barney Stinson, 03.03.2013, 21:06
I use Google Chrome, I don´t have any script else and my language is spanish. Moreover, I can add the game let me eat when I disable the script and everything goes right when the script is off.
paradoxx, 04.03.2013, 10:39
I cant eat too.

Browser: Mozilla Firefox 19.0
Language: English
Other script: Pulse (E4H Hungarian fight tracker)

Unchecked "Safe food..." option, and now works.
DJMiMi, 06.03.2013, 07:48
Disable pulse extension, or uncheck option "Safe food eat on all pages".
mmmyy, 23.05.2013, 14:24
same here both in mozilla and chrome installed script and , even "safe food eat" is disabled but still does the problem.
Anonymous, 16.06.2013, 10:36
With Recover Energy "Eat Energy Bars" FIX IT!
Yarpen, 16.09.2013, 08:45
Same problem - Auto Recover Energy - uses energy bars...
Looks like it eats food at 0:01s then when it is 5:59 - it eats an energy bar.
I lost 2 bars while testing :(
Win7 + Chrome, version EN, no other scripts.

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