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Fix the hits needed for defeating the opponent

When I fight weaponless against an opponent with Q7 or bazooka and higher strength than me, the scripts shows 6-10 hits needed for defeating him. In reality, upon clicking "fight" I lose more energy than the script shows.
Yes, I know that the script uses the formula shown in the erep wiki, but it's wrong and should be fixed as it produces incorrect values.

zordacz , 07.02.2013, 10:45
Response from the site administrator
DJMiMi, 10.02.2013
Calculation is done using old equation, since new one is not public. :(
Idea status: completed


DJMiMi, 07.02.2013, 13:57
OK. Create equation, and send it to me, so i can implement it.
Zordacz, 07.02.2013, 16:15
I sent a ticket asking for the current formula. Their reply:
"the current damage formula is not public."
I experimented a bit and it seems Q10 (bazooka) firepower should be higher than 100, 130-140 would produce more accurate results, at least when I fight weaponless.
DJMiMi, 09.02.2013, 15:16
Next time write down your strength, opponent strength, your weapon, opponent weapon, hits from script and hits you actually needed. For me script sometimes showes one less, but it is understandable because it's all aprox.
Zordacz, 10.02.2013, 11:16
Strength Weapon Hits
Me Villain Me Villain Script Actual
3625 3600 Q7 Q7 4 4
3625 3551 Q0 Q6 5 5
3625 3612 Q0 Q7 7 10
3625 3665 Q1 Q10 5 6
3625 3687 Q2 Q6 6 7
3625 3704 Q3 Q10 6 7
3625 3652 Q4 Q7 7 12

Let me know if you need a bigger sample
Zordacz, 10.02.2013, 11:19
Sorry, excel fill mistake with my weapons's Q, I hit only once with Q7 and the rest is Q0

Strength Weapon Hits
Me Villain Me Villain Script Actual
3625 3600 Q7 Q7 4 4
3625 3551 Q0 Q6 5 5
3625 3612 Q0 Q7 7 10
3625 3665 Q0 Q10 5 6
3625 3687 Q0 Q6 6 7
3625 3704 Q0 Q10 6 7
3625 3652 Q0 Q7 7 12

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