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make the batlle same battle master

make the batlle same battle master like this http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/135994

Nick , 03.02.2013, 09:32
Idea status: completed


DJMiMi, 03.02.2013, 12:05
What would be the point of game if everything is automated?
nick, 04.02.2013, 20:55
if you have 140 ff 2times at day believe me it s so nesesary
DJMiMi, 08.02.2013, 06:06
It's implemented and will be available with next release.
Nick, 08.02.2013, 19:34
thanks but if you can do it like this http://prntscr.com/s0tet I think it will be much better because they can more easily figure out how much to consume health thanks for this script
DJMiMi, 08.02.2013, 20:01
You can not tell how many hits, only how many kills. I will change "Hits:" to "Kills:"

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